A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 4 items that match your search.

“Graduate Center Student Strike Update”: 16 Demands

On April 18th, a "Graduate Center Student Strike Update" document confirmed the students' 16 demands and announced that a negotiation process had begun with Graduate Center administrators. Some of the demands were tied directly to the building [...]

"Jeopardizing the Life of Institution" – Letter to the Students from President Cahn

Addressed to the students on April 18, 1991, and signed by Steven M. Cahn, the acting Graduate Center president, this letter stated that the student strikers who had occupied the Graduate Center were "jeopardizing the life of the institution" they [...]

Tabeling Statement: In support of CUNY Student Strikers

This statement, accompanied by a petition, was used at a tabling event held by City University of New York (CUNY) graduate students during the 1991 occupations of CUNY academic buildings. In protest of the $92 million cut in state aid, the $500 [...]

Interview conducted by former Vice Chancellor Julius C.C. Edelstein with former CUNY Chancellor Albert Bowker

In 1986 former CUNY Vice-Chancellor Julius C. C. Edelstein conducted this interview with former Chancellor Albert Bowker about Bowker's tenure as the second Chancellor of CUNY. The discussion focuses on whether CUNY is a "system" or a "university" [...]

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