We found 3 items that match your search.
BCWO Goals, Letter to Pat Withner
In the early 1970s before the founding of the Women's Studies Program, the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) addressed several concerns of women faculty and students at the college. Historian and co-founder Renate Bridenthal notifies the [...]
BWCO Response to President Kneller on Daycare
Responding to the dismissive tone of a letter from Brooklyn College President John Kneller's office, the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) wrote: "The tone and content of the letter...does not convey the cooperative spirit of which you [...]
Brooklyn College Women's Organization Executive Meeting Invite
The letter to the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) executive committee invites them to a meeting to plan for a general meeting later in the month. The invitation documents the activities of the first group to convene at the university to [...]