We found 11 items that match your search.
"Progress Report on York College"
This article from the Queens Voice reports on a September 1969 gathering of "45 representatives from local civic, church, and other groups" concerned with the progress of the $100 million campus plans for York College in South Jamaica, Queens. [...]
"York College Getting a New Home in Queens"
This New York Post article details the Board of Higher Education's approval of the 1970 master plan for York College's campus construction. While the plan still needed a final go-ahead from the Board of Regents and Governor Nelson [...]
"Jamaica NAACP Chief Looks Ahead"
This short article from the Daily News profiles Richard Hansen, the newly appointed president of the Jamaica branch of the NAACP. Shown with his wife and two smiling children, the article describes Hansen's hopes for the future of Jamaica, [...]
"'Jamaica Center' Envisaged As Mini-Midtown Manhattan"
This April 22, 1968 article from the Daily News discusses the plans of city officials to develop the "long awaited...Jamaica Center" in the heart of South Jamaica, Queens. Intended to help reverse the neighborhood's "decay," the project was expected [...]
"A Bright New 'Downtown' Is Taking Shape in Queens"
This New York Times article from June 2nd 1972 discusses the progress and development of a once "ambitious" construction plan on Jamaica Avenue in Queens. The plan, which set about for the "radical transformation" of the area, focused, in no [...]
York College News Release on Training Program
This press release from York College announces the creation of a "training program in community development for community leaders of Jamaica." Funded by a federal grant as well as support from York College, the announced program would feature six [...]
Press Release on York College Urban Studies Training Program
In this press release, York College officials announce the start of the newly created Urban Studies Training Program during the Fall 1971 semester. Originally announced in May '71, the program offered a variety of courses "designed to train [...]
York College Press Release about Training Program and Public Events for Black Community
This press release from York College features statements from state assemblyman Guy Brewer as promotion for the college's community-focused urban studies training program. Brewer, a lecturer in said program, is quoted urging Jamaica, Queens leaders [...]
"Ah-Haiti: Glimpses of Voodoo"
This advertisement from an issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine, demonstrates the strong relationship between students at the college and the surrounding community. The ad announces a photography exhibition entitled [...]
Spirit Magazine, January 1974
This is an excerpt from the January-February 1974 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. A brief article on the second page announces the college's creation of an African-American Studies program and the following article [...]
"Board, City Push Hunt for York Site"
This article from the New York Daily News details an early push from civic leaders to find a temporary location for the nascent York College in Jamaica, Queens. Founded in 1966, two years prior to this article's printing, the college initially [...]