We found 19 items that match your search.
Newton Hall Statement
“We as white students, can either be a part of the solution or a part of the problem. At Huey P. Newton Hall of Political Action we are attempting to become a part of the solution.” In solidarity with black and Puerto Rican students, a group of [...]
Prometheus, January 26, 1972
This issue of Prometheus, BMCC's student newspaper, reflects the evolving editorial concerns of the increasingly black and Latino/a student body. The paper contains articles on university funding, drug abuse, corporate enablers of [...]
Prometheus, February 10, 1971
This issue of Prometheus, BMCC's student newspaper, is dubbed by its editors as "Liberated" Prometheus, a reflection of the editorial sensibilities of the new student government dominated by the Third World Coalition, a group of black and Latino/a [...]
Tiger Paper, April 1972
This edition of the Tiger Paper includes: interviews with BMCC students who were veterans of the Vietnam War, criticism of the college's registration process, a front page article detailing the firing of a professor, and an interview [...]
Tiger Paper, February 1973
This special issue of the Tiger Paper addresses the ongoing "struggle" over control of the Black Studies program at BMCC. The paper's editors, along with a group of radical students, supported the poet and educator Sonia Sanchez for the [...]
Medgar Evers College - The Pursuit of a Community's Dream
In this short book, Medgar Evers College: The Pursuit of a Community's Dream, CUNY retired professors Florence Tager and Zala Highsmith-Taylor tell the story of the founding of the college. As an institution born largely out of 1960s [...]
El Machete Rojo: The Administration of Hostos
El Machete Rojo was a leaflet produced by the Puerto Rican Socialist Party. This leaflet shows fracturing between the students at Hostos and the administration over the firing of some faculty members who were involved in activist efforts dedicated [...]
"Save Hostos Now!"
In March of 1975, the Community Coalition to Save Hostos took over the school in protest over the Board of Higher Education’s decision to close Hostos Community College. This flier announces the occupation of the school and articulates the demands [...]
Student Government Organization Bilingual Newsletter: Student Government Office Vandalism
The Student Government Organization published this bilingual newsletter in 1975 to publicize that their offices and the offices of fellow student groups had been searched and robbed in the wake of the occupation of Hostos Community College. The [...]
"Why Struggle? For Hostos and Education"
This leaflet, distributed by the Community Coalition to Save Hostos, announces a march to the headquarters of the Emergency Financial Control Board (EFCB) in May of 1976. The EFCB was the body put in place to manage the budget crisis plaguing New [...]
De Hostos Echo, November - December, 1975
De Hostos Echo is the Hostos Community College bilingual student newspaper. This November/December 1975 issue features stories on mass demonstrations to save the school from closure in order to deal with budget cuts. Stories also include tips for [...]
PSC/CUNY Executive Council Resolution on the Proposed Elimination of Hostos Community College
In 1976, the Executive Council of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) produced this resolution to convey their opposition to the proposal to close multiple community college campuses in New York City’s effort to save money. They also resolved [...]
Letter to Governor Carey from Peter Roman, Chairman of Hostos Social Sciences Department
The chairman of the Social Sciences department at Hostos Community College penned this letter to Governor Hugh Carey asking him to prevent the closure of Hostos and the merger with Bronx Community College. Professor Peter Roman argues that the [...]
"Save Hostos Marathon"
The Community Coalition to Save Hostos deployed a variety of strategies to build awareness and organize against the proposed closure of Hostos Community College. The Community Coalition was comprised of student and faculty groups and community [...]
Community Coalition to Save Hostos Organizing Workshop
The Community Coalition to Save Hostos hosted an all-day workshop to train members of the South Bronx community in organizing skills, strategies, and challenges in April of 1976. This program outlines the events of the day. The Community Coalition [...]
Gerald Meyer Statement on the 500 Grand Concourse Building
Gerald Meyer, a founding faculty member at Hostos Community College and President of the Hostos chapter of the Professional Staff Congress made this statement at a press conference held on March 30, 1976. The statement articulates that facilities at [...]
New York Protest Day Announcement
This flier, distributed by the Citywide Community Coalition, announces a citywide protest to the headquarters of the Emergency Financial Control Board (EFCB) in April of 1977. The EFCB was the body put in place to manage the budget crisis plaguing [...]
Protest Day in New York / Dia de Protesta en Nueva York
This flier announces a citywide protest to the headquarters of the Emergency Financial Control Board (EFCB) in April of 1977. Targeted specifically to Puerto Ricans and the Latino American community, the flier describes rampant financial hardship [...]
Spirit Magazine, January 1974
This is an excerpt from the January-February 1974 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. A brief article on the second page announces the college's creation of an African-American Studies program and the following article [...]