A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 39 items that match your search.

"Student Voices Breaking the Silence: The Asian and Pacific American Experience"

This article was written by Paula Y. Bagasao for the November/December 1989 issue of Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning features the narratives of 10 Asian and Pacific American student voices from across the country, including those of three [...]

First CLAGS Benefit Proposal

This press release for CLAGS’ first fundraising event was published on October 1st, 1989. The event, hosted by Beat poet Allen Ginsberg and feminist icon Gloria Steinem was part of CLAGS' effort to raise the $50,000 required to formally operate as [...]

CLAGS Inauguration Event Program

This program was given to those who attended CLAGS inaugural event at the CUNY Graduate Center, which was held on Friday, October 4, 1991. Hosted by esteemed queer and feminist scholars, Alice Walker and Adrienne Rich, the celebration doubled as an [...]

Letter to Audre Lorde

The letter dated February 6, 1992, from CLAGS is addressed to Audre Lorde and invites her to be the first recipient of CLAGS’ annual Kessler award. The Kessler award, given by CLAGS each year since its sophomore year in 1992, was created with an [...]

A Series of Correspondences between Zalk and Orozco

Through the Visiting Scholar program, The Center for the Study of Women and Society (CSWS) supported international scholars impacting communities far beyond CUNY. This 1991-93 collection of primary materials showed the profound and lasting [...]

No Budget Cuts – No Givebacks – Join CUNY Students

City University of New York’s (CUNY) struggles were “no different from labor’s fight for economic and social justice.” This 1991 flyer appealed to NYC labor movement members to join CUNY student strikers, arguing that the attacks on CUNY [...]

CUNY City-Wide Student Coalition

This CUNY-wide student coalition document outlined ten demands which included a call for Chancellor W. Ann Reynold's resignation, the elimination of tuition, no state cuts to education, student seats on multiple CUNY committees (including budget) [...]

Fourth Internationalist Tendency Flyer: Support the Student Takeovers

This newsletter produced by the Fourth Internationalist Tendency (FIT, a Trotskyist group) supported the CUNY student takeovers. It stated that Governor Cuomo, CUNY Chancellor Anne Reynolds, and Mayor Dinkins's proposal to cut CUNY's budget by $96 [...]

Etceteras Newspaper Volume 0 Number 0

Following the Graduate Center takeover, Etceteras Vol.0 No.0 featured reflections and commentary on the "Occupation 1991," which had lasted over a week. Various students from multiple programs not actively involved in the takeover of the Graduate [...]

CUNY Students Join Striking Home Care Workers Flyer

Sponsored by Local 1199 and CUNY strikers, this flyer promoted an April 17th rally and march in front of the Human Resources Administration (HRA) building. In solidarity with the workers of New York City, City University of New York (CUNY) students [...]

1992-1993 COEH Annual Report

This annual report from 1992-1993 offers insight into Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) during its early years. Summarizing a year's worth of work, the document includes the Center's mission statement, a [...]

Activities and Sources of Support for the Hunter-Montefiore Health and Safety Training Program

This Appendix B lists the activities and sources of support for the Hunter-Montefiore Health and Safety Training program in 1985-87. Minimizing Asbestos risks and developing a statewide public employee Health and Safety training program were [...]

COEH Grant Awards 1990-1999

Produced by Hunter College's Office of Research Administration, this report offers summary of the various sources of funding and projects undertaken by the COEH between the years 1990 and 1999. While the projects cover a number of topics, several [...]

FDNY Health and Safety Training for Incident Commanders

In the late-1990s, Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) trained the entirety of FDNY's leadership over the course of 24 hours on the topics of health and safety for (emergency) incident commanders. These documents [...]

LaGuardia Community College - An Assessment of the Needs of the Western Queens Community, 1980

LaGuardia Community College opened in 1971 but in order to expand outreach and continuing education with the communities it served, this needs assessment of various communities in western Queens was undertaken in 1980. This study was initiated by [...]

Community Service Programs, 1984-85

This selection from the 1984-5 catalog of LaGuardia Community College's Continuing Education division highlights several of the college's offerings for the western Queens community. Of particular note is the school's programming for Deaf adults and [...]

"Post-Secondary Education and the Non-Traditional Deaf Student"

This is the text of a May 1988 presentation prepared by Desiree Duda, academic coordinator of Programs for Deaf Adults at LaGuardia Community College, for the Conference on Post Secondary Education for Hearing Impaired Students. The presentation [...]

"Major Goals, 1987-88"

This 1987-8 report lists the "major goals" of LaGuardia Community College's Division of Adult & Continuing Education. Outlining each of the components within the division, the report highlights the many initiatives of the college, particularly [...]

Handbook for Teachers of Deaf/Hard-Of-Hearing Students

This is a handbook that was created for use by professors at LaGuardia Community College who had "a deaf or hard-of-hearing student in his/her class." The guidebook seeks to educate its readers on the realities of life with a hearing disability [...]

"College in Queens Teaches the Deaf"

This New York Times article from September 1984 highlights the efforts of LaGuardia Community College to provide educational opportunities to Deaf students. Written on the 10th anniversary of the creation of the Programs for Deaf Adults [...]

News from The College For Children, January 1986

This January 1986 newsletter from "The College for Children" at LaGuardia Community College provides a brief look into the college's unique program designed for the youth in western Queens. The newsletter includes mention of several course offerings [...]

LaGuardia's Community Service Programs, 1987-88

This selection from the 1987-8 catalog of LaGuardia Community College's Continuing Education division highlights the college's commitment to serving the western Queens community. The diverse array of programs cater to local children, young adults, [...]

"Breaking Tradition — Planning and Organizing a Conference on Education and Employment Opportunities"

In this article from the Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, Robert Jones, a professor at LaGuardia Community College, examines a number of the considerations that are involved in designing and holding a conference aimed at addressing the [...]

"A Community College Examines Its Community"

This article penned by Fern Khan examines LaGuardia Community College's efforts "to become more responsive to the varied needs of its community." This project consisted of an in-depth examination of social and economic characteristics of the [...]

"Education for Deaf Students at LaGuardia Community College"

This article from the CUNY Research Foundation's Annual Report of 1985 highlights the achievements of LaGuardia's programs for Deaf students.

Division of Continuing Education: Annual Report, 1979-80

The Division of Continuing Education at LaGuardia Community College produced this Annual Report for 1979-80. It describes the Division's accomplishments, and the range of programs aimed at the diverse communities served by the college, and makes the [...]

LaGuardia Works: LaGuardia Community College, the First 25 Years

This booklet, published in 1997, tells the story of the first 25 years of LaGuardia Community College, from its conception as "Community College Number Nine" in 1968 through its 1971 opening and beyond. The author describes the social and economic [...]

LaGuardia Community College Division of Continuing Education: General Statement

This undated document details the accomplishments of the Division of Continuing Education at LaGuardia Community College. The division's programs were designed to provide access to higher education for nontraditional learners and to respond to the [...]

"Governor Cuomo Visits LaGuardia CC's Program for the Deaf"

This article published in a CUNY-wide bulletin describes a visit by then-governor Mario Cuomo to LaGuardia's program for Deaf adults. Recognizing the success of the program, the governor pledged $125,000 in funding for the coming year.

Pathways to the Future: Annual Report, 1988-1989

The Annual Report for 1988-89, prepared by the Division of Adult and Continuing Education, details the array of programs developed by LaGuardia Community College staff to expand the educational reach of the college and meet the needs of its [...]

Project Enable: Training Program for Homeless Heads of Household Residing in Hotels/Shelters

This November 1986 report details the activities of a training program for homeless mothers in New York City conducted by LaGuardia Community College's Division of Continuing Education. The program, which covered personal counselling, job training [...]

Division of Adult and Continuing Education: Transition Report, March 1989

This 1989 report chronicles the growth of the LaGuardia Community College Division of Adult and Continuing Education since its inception in 1972. The report states: "The Division of Adult and Continuing Education was envisioned as a major outreach [...]

Educating Deaf Adults: The LaGuardia Community College Model

Among LaGuardia Community College's innovative programs was one aimed at Deaf learners that the New York Times called "the most comprehensive educational program for deaf persons in New York City." Under the LaGuardia model, Deaf students were [...]

What's Happening at '500'? / Qué Pasa Con la Toma de 500?

Hostos United/Hostos Unido issued this bulletin in April of 1978 to explain the occupation of the 500 Grand Concourse building. The bulletin not only encouraged members of the Hostos community to participate in and assist with the effort, but it [...]

el Coquí, Volume 9, Number 2, November 1978

El Coquí was a college newspaper published monthly by the Office of College Relations and Development at Hostos Community College. This November 1978 issue featured stories including an announcement that funding for the renovation of 500 Grand [...]

"Hostos students call vigil to get city funds for annex"

This issue of the Daily World included an article stating that Hostos Community College students and activists planned a vigil to raise awareness about their need for funding to complete renovations at 500 Grand Concourse. By 1977, the third part [...]

Hostos Fights for Space / Vigilia Pro Hostos

This bilingual flier announces that Hostos Community College students and activists will hold a vigil to raise awareness about their need for funding to complete renovations at 500 Grand Concourse. The flier describes the urgent need for the [...]

Hostos Students Occupy Building

This April 12th, 1978 clipping from the Guardian describes the takeover of the 500 Grand Concourse building by Hostos Community College students and faculty to raise awareness about the college’s need for funding to complete renovations. The [...]

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