We found 17 items that match your search.
CUNY Edu-Factory
“CUNY is becoming an Edu-Factory… and we need to be talking about it.” In conjunction with Equity Week, this poster was created as a teaching-resource. Using the factory as a way to visualize the precarity of contingent labor and how it [...]
Judith Butler Kessler Lecture
In her Kessler Award Lecture entitled “Global Violence, Sexual Politics,” famed feminist and queer scholar Judith Butler raises the question of “who counts as human?” Interested in exploring the way in which different lives are valued, [...]
Susan Stryker Kessler Lecture
In her Kessler Award Lecture entitled Ghost Dances: A Trans-movement Manifesto, founding trans-scholar Susan Stryker discusses the concept of trans-movements. Using the Native American tradition of Ghost Dances as an example, Stryker discusses the [...]
Homonationalism Keynote: Jasbir Puar
This keynote address was given by Jasbir Puar as part of the closing events of the Homonationalism and Pinkwashing conference that was held by CLAGS at the CUNY Graduate Center on April 10 and 11, 2013. Homonationalism and pinkwashing are theories [...]
Assembly Update w/ Assembly Member Ed Sullivan featuring "The Friends of CUNY" (1999)
This 1999 roundtable discussion with Assembly Member Ed Sullivan features Drs. Sandi Cooper and Michael Kahan, leaders of "The Friends of CUNY," a group formed in opposition to many of the harmful changes sought by politicians and trustees of CUNY [...]
Source magazine interview with SLAM! Members
This article published in The Source, a national hip-hop magazine, is about SLAM! and includes quotes from SLAM! members: Rachel Laforest, Kai Barrow and Peter Chung. They discuss SLAM! realtions with other activist groups protesting against the [...]
Money For Education Not War
2007 Professional Staff Congress (PSC) members march under the Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC.
"Move the Crowd"
This November 2000 feature article in The Source, the leading national hip-hop magazine at the time, covers SLAM!'s participation in organizing protests against the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia that year. The protests focused on [...]
MUMIA - Youth Rising Summer 2000
Mumia Youth Rising was produced by SLAM! High School Organizing Program, an initiative that offered workshops to public school students in which they addressed racism, prison justice and activism. This publication contains student produced articles [...]
Oral History Interview with Chris Gunderson
In this interview, Christopher Gunderson (Chris Day) discussed the internal/external structure and origins of the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!), as well as the ideological debates that took place within the organization in the 1990s. He [...]
Oral History Interview with Suzy Subways
In this interview, Suzy Subways discussed the queer and feminist politics of the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!) and the larger movement in and beyond CUNY in the 1990s and early 2000s. She discussed her work with the Welfare Action [...]
Oral History Interview with Mariano Munoz
In this interview, Mariano Munoz discussed his time as a student organizer in the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!) at Hunter College. He described the role of political education and radical study as the organization developed an [...]
Oral History Interview with Kamau Franklin
In this interview, Kamau Franklin discussed his experiences as an organizer with the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!) and other organizations in New York in the 1990s, namely the Student Power Movement and the Malcolm X Grassroots [...]
Oral History Interview with Orlando Green
In this interview, Baruch College student Orlando Green discussed the afterlives of the Black power movement through various student of color formations that operated around the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!), Including SOUL, FIST, [...]
Oral History Interview with Rachel Laforest
In this interview, Rachel Laforest discussed her foundations in the New York Left and internationalist politics. She situated the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!) and student organizing at CUNY in the 1990s and early 2000s within the [...]
Oral History Interview with Sabrine Hammad
In her interview, Sabrine Hammad discussed her political upbringing in a Palestinian nationalist household, and her relationships with her sisters who were also in the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!) At Hunter College in the 1990s, where [...]
Oral History Interview with Bill Friedheim
After completing his undergraduate and graduate degrees at Princeton and the University of Wisconsin, Bill Friedheim was hired at BMCC (Borough Manhattan Community College) in 1965 and retired 41 years later in 2006. Friedheim was politically active [...]