A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 4 items that match your search.

"Student Voices Breaking the Silence: The Asian and Pacific American Experience"

This article was written by Paula Y. Bagasao for the November/December 1989 issue of Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning features the narratives of 10 Asian and Pacific American student voices from across the country, including those of three [...]

CUNY Students March and Rally

This flyer promoted a city-wide protest scheduled for April 24, 1991, at the World Trade Center. Drawing connections between the struggles of students, community, and labor, this flyer stated, “success in our struggle will only come if we fight [...]

Oral History Interview with Suzy Subways

In this interview, Suzy Subways discussed the queer and feminist politics of the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!) and the larger movement in and beyond CUNY in the 1990s and early 2000s. She discussed her work with the Welfare Action [...]

Oral History Interview with Rachel Laforest

In this interview, Rachel Laforest discussed her foundations in the New York Left and internationalist politics. She situated the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!) and student organizing at CUNY in the 1990s and early 2000s within the [...]

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