We found 17 items that match your search.
Student Week of Action in Defense of Education
Occupy CUNY circulated this informational leaflet for a “Student Week of Actions” (November 14-21, 2011) in defense of education, and in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. The schedule of Graduate Center Events included a student strike, a [...]
A Spring Romance Blossoms for CUNY's Chancellor?
Satirical leaflets made by Occupy CUNY about Chancellor Matthew Goldstein's relationship to Kroll, Inc., a security advising company that CUNY hired to conduct a biased investigatory report about a November 21, 2011 incident at Baruch College. On [...]
Occupy CUNY Curriculum Session Samples
Curriculum made for CUNY classrooms in conjunction with the "Occupy the Octopi" poster (made for an October 21, 2011, Occupy CUNY teach-in at Washington Square Park) and a flyer for the November 17, 2011, OWS Student Strike, both created by the [...]
Protest Checklist
Occupy CUNY created this checklist for an “awesome protest.” Tips included writing the National Lawyer’s Guild number on your arm, twitter update information and advice for affinity groups. Contact information for the Occupy CUNY support team [...]
Action Calendar
This action calendar announced actions and events for 2012-2013. Doctoral Students Council plenaries, CUNY Board of Trustee meetings and Free University Week are some of the highlights. Occupy CUNY organized around fighting the militarization of [...]
"Chancellor Goldstein's Wedding Invitation"
This invitation to a mock wedding between Chancellor Goldstein and Kroll Security Group announces the protest in the form of a satirical wedding procession and ceremony, which was held on May 1, 2012. Chancellor Matthew Goldstein hired Kroll [...]
Thursday's Special
This satirical menu featured dishes called “democratic” university, “meaningful” academic employment, “right to peaceful protests” and “safe and secure” learning places and was part of a pop-up political theater action created by the [...]
Radical Teach In
This flyer announces a radical-teach by CUNY Graduate Center students on October 21, 2011, in Washington Square Park. An offshoot of the Occupy Wall Street movement, Occupy CUNY organized around fighting the militarization of CUNY campuses, and [...]
Okputrid: Kroll Security Group's Profile
This mock okCupid (online dating site) profile was made for Kroll Security Group. The summary describes him as enjoying providing data mining, intelligence, and on-the-ground security to corporations and universities and that he is “looking [...]
Occupy Data Hackathon
This flyer is for an Occupydata hackathon, which was held at the Graduate Center on September 28th and 29th. Occupydata NYC was a collective of developers, designers, researchers, artists, occupiers, and hackers who were discovering new ways of [...]
Graduate Center General Assembly Working Groups
Informational leaflet with a list of Graduate Center General Assembly Working Groups for Fall 2011: direct action, faculty liaison, inclusion, knowledgewerk, press, online presence & media, outreach, structure/process, support, and write in. The [...]
CUNY Faculty Statement of Support for November 17, 2011, Student Strike
CUNY Faculty Statement of Support, written primarily by Graduate Center faculty, for the November 17, 2011, Student Strike, in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. Several of the CUNY faculty who spearheaded this statement, and a few visiting [...]
Violence Against Protesters at CUNY
Occupy Wall Street People's Library blog post and video round-up about the November 21, 2011 incident at Baruch College, in which NYPD and CUNY security attacked and arrested students, faculty, staff, and community members who were peacefully [...]
Free University Week
This web page features information regarding "Free University Week," a five-day event in Madison Square Park from September 18-22, 2012 that offered free educational workshops and classes to the general public. Founded around May Day 2012, the Free [...]
The Time for Action
This 8-minute film includes footage from the second General Assembly at Hunter College, and the first "Occupy CUNY" teach-in at Washington Square Park on October 21st, 2011. The filmmakers who were CUNY graduate students at the time stated, “We [...]
Free University Presents Remaking Justice beyond Police, Courts, and Prisons
This workshops pamphlet was created for a May 25, 2014, Free University of New York City event "Remaking Justice beyond Police, Courts, and Prisons" in Battery Park, NY. Workshops were held outdoors at Battery Park and included presentations on [...]
Free University Week - 1st Annual May Day Course Descriptions
This pamphlet features workshops, teach-ins and events planned for the 1st annual Free University of New York City on May 1, 2012, in Madison Square Park, Manhattan, NY. In addition to talks by David Harvey, David Graeber, Francis Fox Piven, Chris [...]