A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 10 items that match your search.

Inside City Hall - Remedial Education (3/23/1998)

Featuring Herman Badillo, John Clandra, Sandi Cooper, and Dennis Walcott, this episode of NY1's "Inside City Hall" tackles the topic of remedial education at CUNY. It was originally broadcast on March 23, 1998. The topic received significant [...]

Assembly Update w/ Assembly Member Ed Sullivan featuring "The Friends of CUNY" (1999)

This 1999 roundtable discussion with Assembly Member Ed Sullivan features Drs. Sandi Cooper and Michael Kahan, leaders of "The Friends of CUNY," a group formed in opposition to many of the harmful changes sought by politicians and trustees of CUNY [...]

Labor at the Crossroads (CUNY 1998)

Co-produced by the CUNY Association for Worker Education and the Department of Communications at Hunter College, this video features footage of February 1995 CUNY/SUNY student protests in Albany as well as discussions featuring CUNY professors Sandi [...]

Inside City Hall - End of Remediation at CUNY (1/26/1999)

This clip from NY1's Inside City Hall focuses on the topic of remediation at CUNY. On the night prior to the show's broadcast on January 26, 1999, CUNY trustees approved a plan to remove remedial education at the university's eleven senior colleges. [...]

CUNY Forum - Future of Public Higher Education

Airing on May 6, 1998, this episode of CUNY Forum features an hour-long discussion on the future of public higher education in New York City. Moderated by Brooklyn College Professor Ed Rogowsky, the forum includes several participants including [...]

A Spring Romance Blossoms for CUNY's Chancellor?

Satirical leaflets made by Occupy CUNY about Chancellor Matthew Goldstein's relationship to Kroll, Inc., a security advising company that CUNY hired to conduct a biased investigatory report about a November 21, 2011 incident at Baruch College. On [...]

Kroll Mask

This mask was made by the Graduate Center General Assembly for a "Kroll Monster" costume that was used in a series of agitprop materials to highlight CUNY Chancellor Matthew Goldstein's relationship to Kroll, Inc. CUNY hired this security company to [...]

Crisis at CUNY

As the 1970s wore on, students and faculty at CUNY found themselves faced with an ominous environment. While the open admissions struggle of the late 1960s represented a signal achievement in the struggle to secure democratic access to quality [...]

“City University Students at Federal Hall in 1989 protesting a proposed tuition increase.”

CUNY students held strikes and building occupations in 1989 when Governor Mario Cuomo and the CUNY Board of Trustees announced yet another $200 tuition increase. This mass rally was held at Federal Hall, near Wall Street.

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