We found 6 items that match your search.
Black Nations/Queer Nations? Conference Video
This panel was one of many held during CLAGS’ Black Nations/Queer Nations? conference held at the Graduate Center from March 9 to 11 1995. It brought together famed, queer, black literary figures Samuel R Delaney, Coco Fusco, and Essex Hemphill. [...]
Graduate student support for CUNY-wide student actions
Graduate student Steven Duncombe speaks about the CUNY student occupation protesting the budget cuts and the tuition increases of 1991. This video was originally recorded for the monthly cable TV labor program, Labor at the Crossroads (or Labor X), [...]
Belle Zeller Memorial Video
Produced in 1998 by the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), the union which represents CUNY faculty and staff, this short memorial video celebrates the professional achievements of Belle Zeller, a “one-of-a-kind figure” in the history of CUNY. [...]
Israel Kugler Biographical Video
Produced by the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), the union which represents CUNY faculty and staff, this short video features the life of Israel Kugler, a labor leader for faculty at several New York colleges and a “pioneer in academic [...]
Irwin Polishook Biographical Video
Commissioned by the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) in February 2000 on the occasion of Irwin Polishook’s retirement from the PSC, this video was created to highlight Polishook’s contributions to the PSC and beyond. Serving first as the [...]
"Education is a Right"
"Education is a Right" produced in 1994 by Labor at the Crossroads, also known as Labor X, sought to understand some of the protest tactics, which made the 1989 CUNY strikes at least temporarily successful in fighting tuition hikes. In light of [...]