We found 37 items that match your search.
Proposal for Wrap-A-Round Adjunct Health Insurance
Written in 1982, this memo discussed the possibility of implementing a "wraparound" medical health insurance plan for adjunct faculty. It argued that this option would be superior because it offered free choice of physician and 365 days of hospital [...]
Letter: Economic Disparity
In this letter addressed to President Irwin Polishook of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), Jonathan Lang, Chair of the Doctoral Students’ Council (DSC), outlined the differences in salaries between adjunct and full-time faculty and expressed [...]
Doctoral Students Council News: Murphy's Optimism
This Doctoral Students’ Council (DSC) newsletter, published in 1982, covered adjunct news that ranged from notes on a meeting the DSC steering committee had with Chancellor Murphy to a satirical piece entitled “How not to be an Adjunct”. The [...]
The Graduate Students' Union 1983-84: A position paper
Written by the Graduate Students’ Union (GSU) in 1983-84, this position paper stated the intentions of the recently formed organization. The aims enumerated were to advance the interests of CUNY graduate students as employees (or prospective [...]
Association of Part-time Faculty: A letter to the PSC
In addition to a reference to an earlier meeting, this March 15, 1983 letter from Nancy Erber of the Association of Part-Time Faculty and addressed to Mr. Arnold Cantor (PSC Executive Director) and Ms. Susan Prager (PSC Vice President), assured the [...]
Form Letter Reviewing Provisions of 1983 Contract Agreement
Written by Susan Prager, the PSC's Vice President for Part-Time Personnel, this April 1983 letter was distributed to adjunct professors. The letter, intended to inform adjuncts of the terms of the new CUNY agreement which extended retroactively from [...]
Form Letter for those Expressing Interest in Medical Plan
Distributed in late May 1983, this letter was sent to those who had previously expressed an interest in the Professional Staff Congress's (PSC) "Wraparound Major Medical Plan." It included quarterly employee payment costs under the plan.
RE: Unemployment Compensation
This June 17, 1983, memo, sent to all adjunct members of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), informed part-time faculty that they had a right to appeal all state unemployment compensation denials since 1978 based on a procedural violation. [...]
Part-time Personnel: A Newsletter (1)
This 1983 Professional Staff Congress (PSC) Part-time Personnel newsletter communicated the 1982-84 contractual agreement between the PSC and CUNY. It advised all adjuncts to understand the contractual language, as that knowledge would allow them to [...]
The Refuse: On Representation or Decertification
This issue of The Refuse (December 1983-January 1984), a Doctoral Students’ Council newletter, addressed the issue of retrenchment at CUNY, pointing to several articles that had mischaracterized CUNY’s relationship to labor precarity and [...]
Deconstructing Chancellor Murphy's Comments on Adjuncts
The Association of Part-Time faculty (APTF) sent out this correspondence to full -and part-time faculty asking them to send letters to CUNY Chancellor Joseph Murphy who had called the adjunct employment situation “catastrophic” but, according [...]
Association of Part-time Faculty Quiz
Produced by the Association of Part-time Faculty (APTF) at CUNY, this satirical quiz juxtaposed current CUNY adjunct rights with the recent labor achievements of other institutions of higher education. It also provided a mock balance sheet in which [...]
Part-time Personnel: A Newsletter (2)
This October 22, 1984 Professional Staff Congress (PSC) Part-time Personnel newsletter reviewed the 1982-84 contractual agreements between the PSC and CUNY. Workloads were described as "the most significant change" and allowed adjunct faculty to [...]
Part-time Personnel: A Newsletter (3)
This 1985 Professional Staff Congress (PSC) Part-time Personnel newsletter described the benefits achieved in the PSC-CUNY 1984-1987 contract. Most notably adjuncts who taught six or more hours per semester and at least one course in the same [...]
PTU Newsletter (vol. 1., no. 1)
The debut newsletter in 1986 of PTU View, was published by a group devoted to fighting for the rights of part-time staff at CUNY. Included were listed contacts at various CUNY campuses; announcements of several Spring meetings; and a detailed [...]
Introduction to, and invitation to join, the PTU View
Dissatisfied with their lack of "representation" by the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), the Graduate Students' Union and Doctoral Students' Council founded the CUNY Part-Time Instructional and Research Staff Union in 1986. This letter outlined [...]
Health Care Benefit Description and Application
This January 21, 1986 document, sent to adjunct PSC members, is the first official correspondence from CUNY's Office of the Vice Chancellor for Faculty and Staff Relations which described the details of the fully paid, adjunct health care [...]
GSU Denied Room for Meeting
This document, filed in 1986, included both the original memo from the Graduate Center's Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, Geoffrey Marshall, and the Graduate Student Union’s (GSU) response. In the initial memo, the permission to use a room [...]
Notice of Appearance: PERB and the Part-Time and Instructional Research Staff Union
This December 2, 1986 Notice of Hearing, addressed to (but not confirmed by) the City University of New York and the Professional Staff Congress, announced that a hearing would be conducted on February 26, 1987 at the NYS Public Employment Relations [...]
PTU View
The August 1986 PTU View newsletter called for adjunct faculty to sign a "union authorization" card. In addition to listing how the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) had failed to represent the interests of contingent faculty, the PTU’s demands [...]
REFUSE: The DSC and the Will to Power
"The DSC and the Will to Power," published in the Refuse – a Doctoral Student Council (DSC) publication, was drafted in the fall of 1986 by Vincent Tirelli, Chair of the DSC. The article made the case for creating space for "interdisciplinary [...]
Adjunct Benefits: Questions and Answers
This September 18, 1986 memo from the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Faculty and Staff Relations at CUNY to the Labor Designees and Personnel Officers on the campuses listed a series of revised questions regarding the implementation of adjunct [...]
A Vote for Choice
This October 17, 1986 letter, written by Jeffrey Gerson, the president of the Part-time Instructional and Research Staff Union (PTU), was a call for adjunct faculty to sign an enclosed card in support of putting the PTU on the ballot to run against [...]
Reasons Adjuncts Should Stay in the PSC
This October 21, 1986 letter, written on PSC letterhead and signed by Professional Staff Congress (PSC) Vice President Howard L. Jones, was sent to adjunct faculty. The letter stated that the "terms and conditions" of employment of adjuncts within [...]
Three more Years of Do-Nothing Representation
This November 14, 1986 newsletter, written by members of The Part-Time Instructional and Research Staff Union (PTU) and addressed to CUNY part-timers, outlined the PTU's arguments for, and the PSC's arguments against, the certification of a new [...]
Why Adjunct Faculty Should Join the PSC
This newsletter, written in 1987 by the Adjunct Faculty Association (AFA), formed shortly after the failure of the Part-time Instructional and Research Staff Union (PTU) to achieve the right to form a separate union, called for adjuncts to join the [...]
Legal Objection to PTU Petition
This letter, sent in 1987 from the law offices of Guazzo, Perelson, Rushfield, and Guazzo, to the New York State Public Employment Relations Board (PERB), indicated the Professionals Staff Congress's (PSC) objections to the Part-Time Instructional [...]
Being an Adjunct is a Dead-End Street Flyer
Created by the Part-Time Instructional and Research Staff Union (PTU) in October 1986, this flyer bemoaned the status of adjunct faculty on CUNY campuses and argued for the election of the developing part-timers' "union". While acknowledging that [...]
Trench Scholar!
Will Petry, an adjunct who had recently been elected Chairperson of the Doctoral Students' Council (DSC) at the Graduate Center, wrote this 1986 editorial in Refuse. Petry recounted a series of specific events in relation to his employment as an [...]
NYS Dept. of Labor Unemployment Ruling: Ineligibility to Receive Unemployment Insurance
This decision, dated July 19, 1979, from the office of the New York State Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance upheld an initial determination of claimants John Abreu's and Dinah Levine’s ineligibility to receive unemployment insurance as a [...]
Letter from Polishook to Ledley
This July 25, 1978 lfrom Professional Staff Congress (PSC) President Irwin Polishook to Professor Ralph Ledley, chairman of the Faculty Welfare Trustees, requested that the Trustees estimate the costs of health coverage for "approximately 2000" [...]
Adjuncts as Seasonal Workers
This July 31, 1978 memo from Beryl Weinberg of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) to Tony Ficcio discussed adjunct unemployment insurance. It explained the difficulties adjuncts had receiving unemployment insurance, a significant issue [...]
Slave Labor in CUNY: The Plight of the Adjunct
"Slave Labor in CUNY: The Plight of the Adjunct," published in the City College of New York's (CCNY) Student Senate Publication in November 1979, attempted to dispel any misconceptions about adjunct faculty’s working conditions by highlighting the [...]
Letter from the Adjuncts Benevolent Association to Mr. Polishook
This November 19, 1980 letter , addressed to Irwin Polishook of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) and sent on behalf of the Adjunct Benevolent Association, enumerated why the 9-hour teaching limitation that CUNY had institutionalized was [...]
Higher Education Faculty Leaders Denounce Plan to Replace Career Professors with Part-timers.
This joint May 28, 1982 statement, signed by Nuala Drescher, Lou Stollap, and Irwin Polishook, three NYS faculty union presidents, expressed shock and denounced a proposal put forward by NYS Education Commissioner Gordon Amach, which would have [...]
NY Faculty Protest Move to Increase Use of Part-Timers
Published on June 4, 1982 in he Higher Education Daily, this article, entitled "NY Faculty Protest Move to Increase Use of Part-Timers," reported that NYS faculty unions attacked NYS Education Commissioner Gordon Ambach’s proposal to let [...]
Reject Unlimited License to Staff their Faculties with Part-time faculty
This confirmation copy of a June 24, 1982 Western Union Mailgram from Dr. Irwin Polishook to Chancellor Willard A. Genrich urged the NYS Board of Regents to reject an amendment that would allow NYS universities and colleges unlimited license to [...]