We found 13 items that match your search.
SLAM! Programs Brochure
This 5-page brochure includes a brief overview of SLAM's history up to the 1999-2000 school year, SLAM!'s 10-point program, and details on three campaigns SLAM! was organizing that year: the High School Organizing Committee, which worked with high [...]
"Birth of a Movement"
This Village Voice article covers the coalition effort that pulled off four simultaneous civil disobedience actions on April 25, 1995, stopping traffic at major bridges and tunnels to fight city budget cuts. Puerto Rican, black and Asian groups [...]
SLAM! Herstory Project
A multimedia oral history archive about the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!, 1996-2007) and the CUNY Coalition (1995) at the City University of New York.
Source magazine interview with SLAM! Members
This article published in The Source, a national hip-hop magazine, is about SLAM! and includes quotes from SLAM! members: Rachel Laforest, Kai Barrow and Peter Chung. They discuss SLAM! realtions with other activist groups protesting against the [...]
"Building a Movement"
This is a photocopied Village Voice article that was used to promote a citywide demonstration on April 25, 1995 that united groups fighting for education, jobs, housing, health care and AIDS care. They also called for an end to police brutality and [...]
Pataki: Anti-Budget Cuts Sticker
A two-color sticker with an image of Pataki with "devil" horns. The sticker explains that the estimated projected tax savings for a family earning $50,000/year would be $20, while programs for students, the elderly and the poor would be cut. [...]
Shut The City Down flier
Original flier used to publicize and invite CUNY and high school students to the March 23, 1995 rally at City Hall and the unpermitted march on Wall Street planned for after the rally. Included here is a separate document that was distributed among [...]
SLAM! Program Working Document
SLAM!'s 10-Point Program outlines the organization's vision for transformation of the university and society, from access for all to free quality higher education to democratic governance by students, workers and faculty; education for liberation; [...]
"Move the Crowd"
This November 2000 feature article in The Source, the leading national hip-hop magazine at the time, covers SLAM!'s participation in organizing protests against the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia that year. The protests focused on [...]
Spheric: "Birth of an Internation," Vol. X: #1, 1995
This issue of Spheric, a Hunter College newspaper produced by activists from the CUNY Coalition, covers the massive March 23, 1995 protest at City Hall that led to the reduction of Governor Pataki's budget cuts and tuition hike that year. [...]
Student Power Movement, No Cops
This flier produced by the Student Power Movement urges students to resist the increased police presence in schools, on CUNY campuses, and in NYC communities.
Director of Security's Resignation Letter, York College
York College Director of Security Winston A. Burrows' resignation letter explains that he is resigning after 17 years of service at York because he cannot become a party to the City University Director of Public Safety's plan to deny students their [...]
MUMIA - Youth Rising Summer 2000
Mumia Youth Rising was produced by SLAM! High School Organizing Program, an initiative that offered workshops to public school students in which they addressed racism, prison justice and activism. This publication contains student produced articles [...]