A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 22 items that match your search.

"Equal pay for Equal Work"

This 1994 flyer, produced by the Adjunct Faculty Association (AFA) at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, was an appeal to the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) to stop supporting a two-tiered salaru system. The document detailed inequities in [...]

The Trouble with Adjuncts: The Transients' Mentality

"The Trouble with Adjuncts: The Transients' Mentality", published in The Advocate in 1994 and written by Daniel Mozes, analyzed why adjuncts had traditionally been ineffective in advocating for their own rights. In addition to having lamented the [...]

Adjunct Medical Plan

This memo, produced in 1994 by the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), compared the cost of individual and family healthcare plans from HIP and Blue Cross. Specific details about each plan were also provided.

Part-time Personnel - 1994

This 1994 Professional Staff Congress (PSC) part-timers newsletter communicated improvements in  adjunct working conditions that had been won in the recently ratified contract, which included expansion of health insurance eligibility and the [...]

"Student Struggles"

Written by Eric Marshall and published in 1996 in The Advocate, this article explained the function of  the CUNY Adjunct Project (CAP) as an aggregator of data about adjunct work at CUNY. Critical of the Professional Staff Congress's (PSC) role [...]

Memo: Recent negotiations on behalf of Adjuncts

This 1996 memo by the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) staff,enumerated the rights and privileges that adjuncts had gained in the most recent collective bargaining agreement and legislative efforts.

A letter from the CUNY Adjuncts Unite!

In a concerted effort to unite across campuses, CUNY Adjuncts Unite! (CAU) organizers wrote a letter to the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) leadership in June 1997 about their concerns, which included poor outreach and a lack of information about [...]

CUNY Adjunct Alert (May 1998)

This May 1998 CUNY Adjunct Alert newsletter included an update on the International Adjunct Conference as well as an announcement about the decision to hold a Professional Staff Congress (PSC) referendum. Also covered was information about how [...]

Adjunct Office Hours

In an October 14, 1998 memo sent to Professional Staff Congress (PSC) chapter chairs, President Irwin Polishook referenced past negotiations in which the PSC had endorsed payment for an adjunct office hour but failed to secure a contractual right to [...]

CUNY Adjunct Alert (December 1998)

This newsletter, produced by CUNY Adjunct Unite! (CAU), discussed the PSC's alleged accusations against both CAU and The Adjunct Project for violating New York State's Taylor Law. The article argued that CAU is an independent organization and [...]

CUNY Adjunct Alert (March 1999)

The March 1999 CUNY Adjunct Alert! Newsletter illustrated the tension between activist group, CUNY Adjuncts Unite!, and the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) leadership, in particular, President Irwin Polishook. The article, entitled “Irwin’s [...]

CUNY Adjunct Alert (September 1999)

The September 1999 issue of the CUNY Adjunct Alert discussed the importance of the grievance process and offered updates on a referendum on automatic dues deduction and adjunct health insurance.CUNY Adjuncts Unite! (CAU), an independent coalition of [...]

Oral History Interview with Sabrine Hammad

In her interview, Sabrine Hammad discussed her political upbringing in a Palestinian nationalist household, and her relationships with her sisters who were also in the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!) At Hunter College in the 1990s, where [...]

Oral History Interview with Debra Bergen

In this oral history interview Debra Bergen, Director of Contract Administration at the PSC (Professional Staff Congress) from 1991 to 2017, discusses her early influences, the trajectory of her career and her contributions to the PSC. Born into a [...]

Oral History Interview with Cecelia McCall

This interview with Cecelia McCall focuses on her involvement with the New Caucus and its eventual rise to leadership in the Professional Staff Congress. In 2000 the New Caucus ran against the City University Union Caucus, which had been in [...]

Oral History Interview with Irwin Yellowitz

This oral history interview was conducted by Bill Friedheim on November 5, 2014 at the offices of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC). Irwin Yellowitz discusses his experience as a professor of history at City College of New York, events [...]

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