A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 4 items that match your search.

SLAM! Programs Brochure

This 5-page brochure includes a brief overview of SLAM's history up to the 1999-2000 school year, SLAM!'s 10-point program, and details on three campaigns SLAM! was organizing that year: the High School Organizing Committee, which worked with high [...]

"CUNY Task Force Chief Accused of 'Ethnic Cleansing'"

This New York Post article reports on a City Council Committee on Higher Education hearing at which council members remarked on the racism inherent in the effort of Mayor Giuliani's task force on CUNY to end open admissions.

"Bad Man Badillo: Butcher of CUNY"

This article by SLAM! member Sandra Barros for the Hunter Envoy investigates the role of CUNY Board of Trustees Vice Chair Herman Badillo in the plan to end open admissions at CUNY. This issue of the Envoy also includes an article about Hunter's [...]

The Village Voice:  Education Supplement "Public Enemies"

This Village Voice investigative piece identifies the well-heeled right-wing ideologues behind the attacks on access to higher education, with a specific focus on the effort to end open admissions at CUNY.

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