A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 8 items that match your search.

Tiger Paper, April 1972

This edition of the Tiger Paper includes: interviews with BMCC students who were veterans of the Vietnam War, criticism of the college's registration process, a front page article detailing the firing of a professor, and an interview [...]

Tiger Paper, March 1974

This issue of the Tiger Paper exposes what the editors consider a sham testimonial dinner for BMCC President Edgar Draper. Other articles of interest include an extended interview with a BMCC student who served in Vietnam, the detailing of [...]

BCWO Goals, Letter to Pat Withner

In the early 1970s before the founding of the Women's Studies Program, the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) addressed several concerns of women faculty and students at the college. Historian and co-founder Renate Bridenthal notifies the [...]

Response to the Brooklyn College Women's Organization from President Kneller

In this letter addressed "Dear ladies," Brooklyn College President John Kneller's office delivers a dismissive response to complaints of sex discrimination and demands made by the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO). Kneller's office [...]

BWCO Response to President Kneller on Daycare

Responding to the dismissive tone of a letter from Brooklyn College President John Kneller's office, the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) wrote: "The tone and content of the letter...does not convey the cooperative spirit of which you [...]

"Tough Times Ahead for Women"

Brooklyn College Women's Studies Program co-founder and professor of history, Renate Bridenthal, is featured in this Clarion article, which is the PSC-CUNY faculty union publication. The Clarion covered a speech Bridenthal gave at the CUNY Feminist [...]

Proposal for a Women's Center at Brooklyn College

Just after the establishment of the Women's Studies Program at Brooklyn College, program co-founder Tucker Farley began to push for a Women's Center as a complementary counterpart to the academic program. This proposal envisions the Women's Center [...]

Letter to Protest 'Meeting of the Whole'

Central to the founders of the Women's Studies Program and Women's Center at Brooklyn College were issues of access, collaborative input, and community inclusion in decision making. The frameworks they shaped were informed by a feminist analysis of [...]

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