A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 5 items that match your search.

Spirit Magazine, Spring 1974

This is an excerpt from the Spring 1974 issue of the York College student-produced Spirit Magazine. Included in this selection is a call from Frank Tucker, the magazine's editor-in-chief, for greater student involvement and increased financial [...]

Spirit Magazine, February 1975

In this article excerpted from the December 1975 issue of York College student-run Spirit Magazine, managing editor Teddy DuBose decries proposed budget cuts to CUNY institutions at the height of the 1970s fiscal crisis in New York. DuBose [...]

Spirit Magazine, December 1975

Feauturing an illlustration of Muhammed Ali on its cover, in this edition of the December 1975 issue of Spirit Magazine, the publication's editor-in-chief, Frank Tucker, bemoans the less than satisfactory support given to Spirit from York [...]

Spirit Magazine Cover, December 1978

This is the cover of the December 1978 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. Feauturing drawings depicting African-American women and men over the continent of Africa, it also includes a quote that aptly reflects the mission of [...]

Spirit Magazine Cover, April 1979

This is the cover of the April 1979 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. Featuring a quote from Afro-Carribbean philosopher and writer, Frantz Fanon, the page introduces the issue's theme of "The Wretched of the Earth," a [...]

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