A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 6 items that match your search.

LaGuardia Works: LaGuardia Community College, the First 25 Years

This booklet, published in 1997, tells the story of the first 25 years of LaGuardia Community College, from its conception as "Community College Number Nine" in 1968 through its 1971 opening and beyond. The author describes the social and economic [...]

Hostos United/Hostos Unido, January 17, 1978 Meeting Minutes

These meeting minutes document the decision to form Hostos United/Hostos Unido on January 17th, 1978. Hostos United/Hostos Unido became the central activist group that led much of the campaign to expand to 500 Grand Concourse. It was organized by [...]

"Hostos students call vigil to get city funds for annex"

This issue of the Daily World included an article stating that Hostos Community College students and activists planned a vigil to raise awareness about their need for funding to complete renovations at 500 Grand Concourse. By 1977, the third part [...]

Hostos Fights for Space / Vigilia Pro Hostos

This bilingual flier announces that Hostos Community College students and activists will hold a vigil to raise awareness about their need for funding to complete renovations at 500 Grand Concourse. The flier describes the urgent need for the [...]

Hostos Students Occupy Building

This April 12th, 1978 clipping from the Guardian describes the takeover of the 500 Grand Concourse building by Hostos Community College students and faculty to raise awareness about the college’s need for funding to complete renovations. The [...]

Hostos Students and Faculty March

This April 28th, 1978 clipping from the Daily World shows an image of a student and faculty march to Gracie Mansion to raise awareness about Hostos Community College’s need for funding to complete renovations at 500 Grand Concourse. By 1977, the [...]

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