A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 4 items that match your search.

Newt Davidson Parody: Memo to Gov. Rockefeller on CUNY Planning

This recently discovered (August 2017) document from the papers of historian Judith Stein, is the only extant example of what preceded the Crisis at CUNY brochure. As explained in the interview done with four members of the Newt Davidson Collective, [...]

MCC Strike Committee Bulletin #1

The 1976 contract negotiations between the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) and the university occurred in the midst of the city's mid-1970s fiscal crisis. Radicals at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) formed a strike committee in order [...]

Lobby Efforts in Albany, NY

Belle Zeller, Professional Staff Congress (PSC) president, was a frequent visitor to the New York legislators, first on behalf of the Legislative Conference, and then, after the merger, for the PSC. Here, in 1973, she is joined by State Senator John [...]

De Hostos Echo, November - December, 1975

De Hostos Echo is the Hostos Community College bilingual student newspaper. This November/December 1975 issue features stories on mass demonstrations to save the school from closure in order to deal with budget cuts. Stories also include tips for [...]

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