Homonationalism and Pinkwashing Poster
This poster advertises the Homonationalism & Pinkwashing Conference that was held by CLAGS at the CUNY Graduate Center on April 10th and 11th, 2013. The conference addressed the way in which some groups use a focus pro-queer arguments as a means of masking or detracting from xenophobia and Islamophobia. The idea of homonationalism, as first introduced by Jasbir Puar in her 2007 book Terrorist Assemblages, is especially relevant in discussions of the Israel-Palestine Conflict. Puar, who delivered the keynote address at this conference, received a great deal of criticism for these concepts which remain controversial. This is just one of many examples that show CLAGS’ commitment to addressing emerging theories in queer studies. The conference was sold out six months early.
Although formally instituted at the CUNY Graduate Center in 1991, CLAGS: The Center for LGBTQ Studies was first conceived 5 years earlier by Martin, Duberman, one of the first historians to embrace the, then infantile, field of Queer Studies. Duberman sensed the need for a formal center devoted to queer research. As the first university-based center for LGBTQ research, CLAGS continues to demonstrate its dedication to advancing Queer Studies, by hosting public events showcasing queer research and sponsoring fellowships to support queer scholars. Among its many notable contributions, CLAGS annually puts on at least one major conference and holds the Kessler Award Lecture every fall to celebrate a queer scholar who has made a notable contribution to the field of queer studies
Although formally instituted at the CUNY Graduate Center in 1991, CLAGS: The Center for LGBTQ Studies was first conceived 5 years earlier by Martin, Duberman, one of the first historians to embrace the, then infantile, field of Queer Studies. Duberman sensed the need for a formal center devoted to queer research. As the first university-based center for LGBTQ research, CLAGS continues to demonstrate its dedication to advancing Queer Studies, by hosting public events showcasing queer research and sponsoring fellowships to support queer scholars. Among its many notable contributions, CLAGS annually puts on at least one major conference and holds the Kessler Award Lecture every fall to celebrate a queer scholar who has made a notable contribution to the field of queer studies