A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

Winter Soldiers, Selection #5: Art Young

Art Young, a socially conscious cartoonist and writer, created this cartoon for inclusion in the 1941 book, Winter Soldiers: The Story of a Conspiracy Against Schools

The book, published by the Committee for Defense of Public Education, tells the story of the Rapp-Coudert hearings and New York State’s efforts to rid its public schools and colleges of "subversive influences" and persons, particularly those with communist ties.
Source | Smith, Carol
Creator | Young, Art
Date Created | 1941
Rights | Copyright Smith, Carol
Item Type | Image (Cartoon)
Cite This document | Young, Art, “Winter Soldiers, Selection #5: Art Young,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed November 8, 2024,

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