A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 4 items that match your search.

Proposal to Plan and Implement Departmental Programs for Community College No. 7

This document describes previous authorizations regarding the creation of Community College No. 7 (Medgar Evers College) and three additional community colleges. It goes on to detail one of the more unique features of the college: a community [...]

Minutes of the Board of Higher Education - November 25, 1968

These minutes of proceedings from the November 25, 1968 meeting of the Board of Higher Education record the establishment of new admissions criteria for CUNY four-year institutions as well as university-wide budget requests for the following year. [...]

November 26, 1968 Minutes of the Presidential Search Committee for Community College 7

On November 26, 1968, the Presidential Search Committee for Community College 7, composed of five City University of New York (CUNY) officials and five appointed representatives of the Bedford-Stuyvesant community, met to discuss candidates for the [...]

February 6, 1969 Minutes of the Negotiation Team of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services in preparation for the Presidential Search Committee meeting for Community College 7

The five-member Negotiation Team delegated by the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services (B-SCENS) met on February 6, 1969, to prepare for a meeting to be held later that day with five City University of New York officials, [...]

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