A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 3 items that match your search.

CUNY Edu-Factory

“CUNY is becoming an Edu-Factory… and we need to be talking about it.” In conjunction with Equity Week, this poster was created as a teaching-resource. Using the factory as a way to visualize the precarity of contingent labor and how it [...]

Assembly Update w/ Assembly Member Ed Sullivan featuring "The Friends of CUNY" (1999)

This 1999 roundtable discussion with Assembly Member Ed Sullivan features Drs. Sandi Cooper and Michael Kahan, leaders of "The Friends of CUNY," a group formed in opposition to many of the harmful changes sought by politicians and trustees of CUNY [...]

Oral History Interview with Cecelia McCall

This interview with Cecelia McCall focuses on her involvement with the New Caucus and its eventual rise to leadership in the Professional Staff Congress. In 2000 the New Caucus ran against the City University Union Caucus, which had been in [...]

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